Land Acknowledgement

Our time cultivating KJSC has taught us lessons that are not merely skin deep. It has brought us in touch with the bees. And our relationship with these amazing insects helped us better understand the land, plants and living creatures around us. As we have deepened this understanding, we continually become better caretakers of the soil and water and air. And alongside this relationship with Mother Nature, comes a responsibility that reaches beyond stewardship.

This is why we acknowledge the land on which we live and operate from is stolen ancestral Lenape land. This land was the land of these people for thousands of years, on which they lived in harmony with one another, the animals, the water and the soil. We make this acknowledgment to honor the Indigenous Lenape people and their sustainable way of life. We do so to continue the healing process of the land, the people and ourselves.

We make this acknowledgment to bring awareness to the disenfranchisement of Indigenous people everywhere. May our recognition of this bring to light the inequities present in the fabric of our society and may we continually work together to serve our community with respect, honor and truth.