Where to Find Us

Dave’s Backyard Farms

Dave has a small grocery store in Huntington Valley, Pa that supports over 50 local farmers and food producers. Dave's Backyard Farms is a cohesive food ecosystem that exemplifies how food ought to be provided to local communities. Find out more!

Weaver’s Way Co-op

Community-owned grocery store in Ambler, Pa with produce, dairy & meats, plus wellness products & prepared food. Check it out.

Hershberger Heritage Farm

Producing the best meat out there, Hershberger has been a staple for our family for the last two years. They use regenerative, no spray farming practices to produce the healthiest and most nutritious meat possible - and they deliver! You can find a selection of our hand crafted soaps in their farm store in Sellersville.

Sorrentino Pasta + Provisions

In the heart of Ambler, Sorrentino’s provides fresh handmade pasta, regional dishes and specialty provisions that will not disappoint! You can find our exclusive Hot Honey collaboration on their shelves. They also use our honey in many of their dishes.

Farmer’s Markets & Festivals

See our Calendar of Events for our weekend locations!